We lead fun, motivating and effective run training and conditioning programs. We train runners at all levels and paces for events from 5k to marathon. Our programs usually build toward major local running events like the the Seattle Marathon (our fall program), Mercer Island Half Marathon (our winter program), Rock n' Roll Marathon (our spring program).
We typically meet every Tuesday 6:30pm, rain or shine, at the Garfield high school track. Come prepared! A watch with stopwatch features is helpful, but not necessary. Water. Layers.
We typically meet every Tuesday 6:30pm, rain or shine, at the Garfield high school track. Come prepared! A watch with stopwatch features is helpful, but not necessary. Water. Layers.
We also meet Saturdays 9:30 am for group runs at various locations around the city, usually starting and ending at a café, where we hang out afterwards. See our Saturday Runs page for specific meeting places.
Post Race Celebration Brunch: You heard right--the Rachels make you brunch after the race! ALL participants--drop-ins, punchcarders and full package people are invited to the brunch.Y'all come.
Massage: Our Rx2 masseur John Bagley offers a discounted massage to our full program participants as well as a free 15-minute massage at the Celebration Brunch. Slots may be available to others for a fee, time permitting.
Programs for 2011-2012: While we can help with your training for any race, special programs will be geared toward the Seattle half /full marathon, the Mercer half / 10k, the Rock and Roll half / full marathon.
Programs for 2011-2012: While we can help with your training for any race, special programs will be geared toward the Seattle half /full marathon, the Mercer half / 10k, the Rock and Roll half / full marathon.